KeepNI 1.2.5 Keep an eye on your web site services, and alert on malfunction. Alerts includes Voice alarm,email message,Fax message,SMS,ICQ and more
DeskTop Baby 1.2 Enter your babys due date and count the months, weeks, days, hours and minutes until the big day. Then enter the actual birth date and
NetVizor 4.19 NetVizor is the latest in powerful network surveillance. Monitor your entire network from one centralized location! NetVizor allows you to
A Shareware Marketing Primer 1.1 The present e-book presents a series of articles on shareware marketing and promotions. Shareware authors can benefiot from the news, views
RAE / Realtime Analyzer ENA Advanced sound analyzer with latest environmental noise measurement technology. RAL + Impulse response, Running ACF, sound analyzer