Oleco::NetLCR 3.00.315
Oleco is a Least Cost Router for Dial-Up Internet Connections within Germany. Contains all German Access-Providers that don´t need…
InTouch 8.14.24
How do you keep track of your family, friends, church and club members, clients, business associates, and so on? Get InTouch as your…
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1.2D DXF Export VCL 4.5 (cadsofttools.com) free  2D DXF Export VCL download
available. DXF Exporter: Easy-to-use tool for Borland Delphi and C++Builder developers.All you need is to draw image using Windows GDI functions onto DXF Exporter’s DC or make a metafile and give it to the Exporter. Hatches supported. Demo…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 101 | Author: Chuzhakin Evgeny | Size: 356 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Development > Delphi
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2.3D Charting Toolkit 7.0 (nevron.com) free  3D Charting Toolkit download
Office and many more). Fully supports the .NET environment. ·Build on OpenGL technology. 3DChart simply shines on machines with OpenGL accelerated video cards. ·Specially optimized for speed and memory performance. 3DChart can display thousands of data points with ease and at the same time is guaranteed to have a small memory footprint. ·Easy and comprehensive and yet powerful…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 228 | Author: Ivo Milanov | Size: 53143 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Development > Other
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3.A1 SpeechTEK 1.0 (caltroxsoft.com) free  A1 SpeechTEK download
an Educational tool to learning English pronunciation and Vocabulary building as well. The Realistic embedded Multiplex Speech Engine incorporated in the Software gives a very high quality speech synthesis. The Software runs on all Windows Operating Systems. A1 SpeechTEK is a powerful Text-To-Speech…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Caltrox Software | Size: 6497 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Other
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4.Advance mp3 sound Recorder 1.2 (share2s.com) free  Advance mp3 sound Recorder download
time or any other media players, it's a useful tool to build your own mp3 audio library, Advance Mp3 Sound Recorder,record sound and audio from any source : mp3, stream,cd,VCR,movie,microphone, Game. capture sound from sound card digital mixer, easy to convert wave to mp3,include a mp3 ID3 tag…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 118 | Author: Ruan | Size: 683 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Recorders
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5.Advanced Playlist Builder 1.00 (wizetech.com) free  Advanced Playlist <b>Builder</b> download
Playlist Builder is a playlist maker that scans your computer for MP3 files and displays all files in a detailed list, which you can sort by artist, album, or genre. Advanced Playlist Builder provides basic operations (copy, move, rename, delete, add new files, sort, search, compare, and so on) and additional operations (extended sorting, search and quick search, file-group…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 294 | Author: Alexander Ivanov | Size: 481 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Players
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6.Advanced Java Tree Menu 3.8 (jpowered.com) free  Advanced Java Tree Menu download
of the capabilties and a good base from which to quickly build your own implementation. Source Code also available. With this feature packed and highly customisable Java Tree Menu quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and much more. Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. Source Code also…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 148 | Author: Patrick OBrien | Size: 219 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Web Development > Java & JavaScript
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7.Anim-FX Flash intros and Flash banners builder 3.3 (anim-fx.com) free  Anim-FX Flash intros and Flash banners <b>builder</b> download
Anim-FX is a must have for every web designer.Anim-FX is a multiline Flash animator. With Anim-FX you can create animated text effects - such as intros, splash screens and banners for your website- fast and easy. It is a very compact tool based on a wide range of animation templates. Benefits of Anim-FX. 1)…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 332 | Author: Menno Berndsen | Size: 1387 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Web Development > Flash Tools
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8.ARELIS 4.4.2 (Axandra.com) free  ARELIS download
is a top-rated software program that helps you to build a powerful business network quickly and easily. Your business will benefit in many ways from that network: You'll get highly targeted visitors to your web site, you'll benefit from new business contacts and your web site will get a higher ranking on search engines because of higher link popularity. ARELIS helps you to establish…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 35 | Author: Johannes Selbach | Size: 4829 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Web Development > Site Administration
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9.ArtWonk 2.0 (algoart.com) free  ArtWonk download
and interactions, listening to the results in real time as you build and modify your piece. ArtWonk is an interactive program for creating MIDI music and graphics algorithmically. Not a set of canned me-too riffs or rules, but an open ended palette of composing modules to powerfully boost your…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 87 | Author: John Dunn | Size: 7968 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Multimedia Creation Tools
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10.Audio Editor Pro 1.60 (audioeditorpro.com) free  Audio Editor Pro download
CD Tracks OGG Vorbis Audio VOX Dialogic ADPCM RAW Audio Build-in Powerful Audio Tools Audio Converter - Converting one file type to another. CD Ripper - makes direct digital copies from audio CDs and saves them as MP3, WMA, WAV, and OGG. Audio Editor Pro is a visual multifunctional audio files editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 298 | Author: John Bao | Size: 8158 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Recorders
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Home > Build software

Easy Video Capture 1.10
Easy Video Capture is a tool for recording your screen into AVI video. It supports recording video, audio, cursor. You can use it to record…
JotSmart 1.1
JotSmart(tm) software gives you the power to capture and annotate (mark up) any information with graphic highlights, text notes and voice…
ClickTris 1.55
ClickTris is a classical tetris game. During all game many pieces fall from top of window. Piece falls until it lands on anoter piece or…

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