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4BlindMice 1.4 ( View screenshot )

Real Time Screen Reading talking mouse works with existing reader to provide GUI. Run your hands over the screen and get the big picture. Drive your mouse full speed across the screen, knowing in real time where you are and what you're flying over.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 0
Size2325 kb
StatusMajor Update
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
KeywordsSAPI SAPI_5.1 Speech_Talking Text_editor notepad Text_to_MP3 Mouse_driven real_time screen_reader for_the_blind 4_Blind_Mice mouse_driver 4BlindMice 4BMice 4BM for_the_visually_impaired
AuthorRobison Bryan
4BlindMice software. Real Time Screen Reading talking mouse works with existing reader to provide GUI. Run your hands over the screen and get the big picture. Drive your mouse full speed across the screen, knowing in real time where you are and what you're flying over. 4BlindMice is a Real Time Screen Reading talking and singing mouse designed to work with your existing screen reader program.  Most screen readers treat Windows like a big list.  I think your mind's eye doesn't get the respect it deserves.  Some run their hands over things, some run their eyes over things.  It's the brain that puts it all together.  How would you like to run your hands over your computer screen and get the big picture?  How would you like to drive your mouse full speed across the screen, knowing in real time where you are and what you're flying over?  Crazy?  Impossible?  It's here.  The Windows graphic user interface was designed with your mind's eye in mind. It's time to plug in your mouse and claim it download

click for full size
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  • SayPad 1.0 — SayPad, the freeware talking text editor can read you a good book or help you write one, using SAPI 5.1 Text To Speech (included). It can convert Text to MP3 for a whole book in one run, splitting off chapters into well named MP3 files.
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4BlindMice is a Real Time Screen Reading talking and singing mouse designed to work with your existing screen reader program. Most screen readers treat Windows like a big list. I think your mind's eye doesn't get the respect it deserves. Some run their hands over things, some run their eyes over things. It's the brain that puts it all together. How would you like to run your hands over your computer screen and get the big picture? How would you like to drive your mouse full speed across the screen, knowing in real time where you are and what you're flying over? Crazy? Impossible? It's here. The Windows graphic user interface was designed with your mind's eye in mind. It's time to plug in your mouse and claim it.
System Requirements:
Win95 or later, SAPI4 or SAPI5 or SayPad
4BlindMice 1.4 Download from

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