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JExpert 1.00 ( View screenshot )

JExpert is a free test simulation engine based on the latest pattern of Sun's Java Programmer Certification. The simulator contains a large number of questions and mock exams.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 1363 ( -189 -13.86% )
Size700 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP,Unix
Keywordsjexpert java study certification certified cert learn prepare sun simulation simulator engine programmer designer 1.2 1.4 mock exam mockexam questions test tests free course applet explanation
AuthorRoger Karlsson
JExpert software. JExpert is a free test simulation engine based on the latest pattern of Sun's Java Programmer Certification. The simulator contains a large number of questions and mock exams. JExpert is a free test simulation engine based on the latest pattern of Sun's Java Programmer Certification. The simulator contains a large number of questions and mock exams. For every question JExpert offers detailed explanations and pointers to resources for better understanding of the current topic. The simulator covers the objectives of both Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer 1.2 and Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer 1.4, such as declarations and access control, flow control and exception handling, garbage collection, language fundamentals, threads, assertions, collections, etc.

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JExpert is a free test simulation engine based on the latest pattern of Sun's Java Programmer Certification. The simulator contains a large number of questions and mock exams. For every question JExpert offers detailed explanations and pointers to resources for better understanding of the current topic. The simulator covers the objectives of both "Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer 1.2" and "Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer 1.4", such as declarations and access control, flow control and exception handling, garbage collection, language fundamentals, threads, assertions, collections, etc.
System Requirements:
Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher
JExpert 1.00 Download from bysoft.se

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