SkyWander WebBrowser 4.17 SkyWander webbrowser is a powerful mult window browser "popup killer,"auto fill form", "strong collector"(link images,scripts,source
AttributeMagic Pro 2.2 beta4 Changes file/folder date-time stamps and attributes en masse. You can set or reset individual attributes, Accessed, Modified and Created
Easy Go Back 2.5 Easy Go Back is an Internet Explorer add-on that allows you to conveniently navigate the browser back and forward. Now you can navigate
Read-e PLUS 1.0.133 1) Reads aloud the vast majority of web pages and page elements 2) Unique multi-senory interface 4) spell-checks text typed in to web
KGB Spy 3.93 KGB Spy Software is a multifunctional keyboard tracking software (a.k.a. key logger) that is widely used by both regular users and IT