- A1Monitor Network Monitor TCP or Web 6.1.70 — Monitor multiple web or TCP servers (http, https, ftp, pop3 etc.) Receive email notification by email or pager if any can't be reached a number of times in a row
- SnugServer 4.0 — SnugServer is an Email Server, Web Server, FTP Server, NewsServer and ListServer. It's your all-in-one solution to managing your Internet Presence. Comes with Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus & SSL/TLS/S/MIME Encryption. Allows Digital Certificate creation.
- WinaXe Plus SSH X-Server for Windows 8.2 — SSH X-Server for Windows, Secure way to run Linux and Unix on Windows Desktop. This powerful software package provides a cost-effective way to transform your PC into a powerful X-Windows workstation. All that you need for connection is included.