- AB-Clock — AB-Clock is the indispensable tool for your desktop. At last the clock in your Windows taskbar shows the current date. Additionally, with AB-Clock you keep ahead because of the integrated system and download monitor. Calendar, alarms, world time ...
- Actual Window Decorations 2.0 — Make windows easy to use and attractive! Add transparency effects, rollup action and title buttons! Add handy new "Minimize to Tray," "Stay on Top," and "Make Transparent" buttons to any window title bar! Configure every window to suit your tastes!
- AllToTray 4.6.3 — AllToTray allows you to minimize ANY program to your System Tray. When a program is minimized, AllToTray removes the application taskbar button and adds its icon in the System Tray. This tool is useful for Outlook Express and many more programs.