- 32bit Internet Fax 9.86.01 — Send and Receive faxes from Single Computer and Modem or Network with Multiple Modems. Optionally Send fax. 32bit Internet Fax will add a fax generating print driver to your Printer system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document.
- ActiveStartup 1.43 — ActiveStartup allows you to manage programs which load from Registry, Win.ini and Startup Menu
at Windows Startup. Using ActiveStartup, you can inspect, edit, and/or temporary disable such
programs, make backup configurations, and so on.
- Multi Clipboard 9.86.01 — Copy any 1 of 1000s of pre-written text fields into the Windows Clipboard. When filling in forms, etc, it is nice to have all the information on a given subject at your disposal. With Multi Clipboard you can access to 1000s of fields.