- OpenX for Oracle 7,8i 2.0.2 — OpenX component is a set of interfaces for data access that provides universal data integration over an enterprise's network. OpenX works with SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Informix, InterBase, Centura SQLBase, MySQL, ODBC.
- Repgen 2.25 — Repgen generates the scripts required to setup and monitor an Oracle database Advanced Replication installation. The implementation of primary key, replication triggers and multiple conflict resolution methods is included. Free demo available.
- HVFULLSC - Full Screen Video Card and CPI Fonts 1.0 — The HVFULLSC package allows you to replace the poor quality full screen OEM VGA hardware fonts provided in Windows Codepage Information files and Video Graphics card's ROM BIOS with Procon's High Visibility HVFont.