RasterVect 6.4
Vectorizer. Transforms raster images into a vector format. Raster drawing can be imported by scanning original paper drawings. The target…
Driver Genius 2004
Clone your device drivers to an auto-setup package!
Example:  ACDSee
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  • JOutlookBar 1.0 — JOutlookBar provide the Microsoft® Outlook component in Java. Even the Swing API do not provide this powerful component ... got it with the JOutlookBar.This powerful outlook bar support a lot of features, like icons management, customizable cell
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QuickSender 1.1
QuickSender will help your easily fast sending message to the Pager, Mobile phone, ICQ, Email, or all. QuickSender has skin graphic…
TrueTTY 2.55
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits)…
AAA Easy Grid Control ActiveX 3.51
AAA EasyGrid Activex has exceedingly powerful functions, much more powerful than other grid or report OCXes, such as FlexGrid, Crystal…

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