- RAMSuite OraBuilder 1.3.7 — It connects to Oracle versions 7 through 9i. The Program allows you to create, edit and execute project files separately and in the batch mode, and also to execute commands within a single file, using multiple windows.
- Team Remote ASP Debugger 6.17 — ASP Debugging Tool: Set Breakpoints, Watch Variables, Edit and Debug your ASP code. Vbscript and Javascript Debugging Languages Fully Supported.
- Team Remote Debugger 2.001 — Allows you and your team trace any number of code units of any kind (ASP,MTS,T-SQL,COM+,ActiveX Exe,DLL,COM,Thread,CFML), written in any language (ASP,VB,VC++,Delphi,TSQL,VJ) residing on multiple servers easily, without ever attaching to process!