- Formula Broomstick 1.3 — This is a Formula One race on brooms! Seventeen tracks in different countries, skill levels, training races, all the fastest brooms to take your pick, and many other cool things. Take part in the Web-contest for top players. Great 3d graphics.
- PacQuest 3D 2.1 — Version 3 is finally released!
Now with weapons and spells! Kill monsters by magic Fire Ball, Power Shield and Trap Mine. PacQuest 3D faery arcade game for Windows 98-XP. Excellent for kids and adults!
- POOLMASTER® 2000 2.001 — Shoot live pool with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shots, combination shots, straight shots and shots with English (cue Spin), all with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Scorekeeping, Instant Replay, Undo, and Sound.