- CASE Studio 2 v 2.23 — Powerful database design tool which allows you to visually create Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) for various database systems - MS SQL, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, InterBase, Sybase etc. Features: ERD, SQL script generation, Reverse engineering...
- GoDiagram 2.2 — Build custom interactive diagrams, network, workflow editors, flowcharts, or software design tools. Includes many predefined kinds of nodes and links. 100% implemented in C#. Flexible, extensible. Optional automatic layout & instruments.
- JGo 5.0 — Build custom interactive diagrams, network, workflow editors, flowcharts, or software design tools. Includes many predefined kinds of nodes and links. 100% implemented in Java. Requires Java 2. Flexible, extensible. Optional automatic layout.