- Toto Wizard 1.0 — Toto Wizard is windows software program for Toto football (soccer) games like totocalcio, lotofoot, lotosportif, totto, totobola, quiniela , sportska prognoza, sportna napoved. It allows you to make full, abreviated or conditioned wheels. Free trial.
- TotoCalculator 2 for Linux 2.11 — Improve your chances to win on the soccer betting games Toto, Lotofoot... This tool calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines - a minimum of common tips.
- TotoCalculator 2 for Windows 2.11 — Improve your chances to win on the soccer betting games Toto, Lotofoot... This tool calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines - a minimum of common tips.