pdfOffice / pdfOffice Pro 4.0
pdf-Office is a very progressive software solution to create PDF forms and documents. Shape sophisticated forms within minutes, write texts…
NChartEditor 2.0
The NChartEditor application is an integrated chart creation environment, designed to help you create stunning 2D and 3D chart images that…
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Similar software:
  • Form Mail: eMail Form Processor Pro 3.2 — Process any forms on your web sites. Multiple pages forms. Full layout control. One program can work with any amount of forms. Script can send any number of different emails, output (append) to any number of files, check entered data and much more!
  • Subject Search Server 1.1 — Kryloff Technologies' SSServer(TM) product lets visitors search your Web site for the information they are looking for. It's fast and easy for them to use. It's fast and easy for you to set up and maintain. And the price is right... FREE!
  • CDBFlite 1.15 — The CDBFlite program allows users to work with .DBF files format from command line. You can carry out various actions, which don't requires presence of the man in a batch mode. CDBFlite program can be applied on WEB-server.
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HyperSnap is a powerful screen capture, text capture and image editing tool for Windows. It snags desktop programs, multiple screen…
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Dive into fantastic world of furious space battles. You will be amazed how absorbing and relaxing this OpenGL-accelerated screensaver is…
Optimize your cache to act as a ram booster and boost computer speed. Discover extreme pc speed with Internet software solutions.Booster…

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