- Free Natural Text to Speech Reader 6.0 — This is a free and fully functional text-to-speech software with Microsoft Voices. Just one-click, you can have your computer read any part of the news, weather forecast, chating messages, and e-mails.
- GroupsAloud 1.008 — GroupsAloud, the worlds first talking Usenet News Reader, brings an unlimited amount of great information and conversation to you without the hassle of reading or even being tied to your computer. Supports optional premium voices from AT&T, Cepstral
- Read-e PLUS 1.0.133 — 1) Reads aloud the vast majority of web pages and page elements 2) Unique multi-senory interface 4) spell-checks text typed in to web pages 5) Pop-up and child browser suppression 6) Reads text from other applications and more..