AM-Notebook 3.22 AM-Notebook is a fine system tray utility that provides an easy way to keep notes, TODOs and other data. Another nice features are the
Living Waterfalls 2 1.0 Enjoy the breathtaking waterfalls and creature animations over one of three photographic backgrounds as soothing music and ambient sounds
Chilkat POP3 ActiveX Component 4.3.1 ActiveX SMTP / POP3 Email Component with S/MIME for signed and encrypted mail,
Auto-Zip and Unzip attachments, XML i
Hex Editor ActiveX Control 1.1 Powerful Hex Editor ActiveX Control. Features: Multilevel undo/redo; Print; Insert/Over edit mode; Fast find/replace text; View/edit as
Golf Tracker 2.2 Golf Tracker is a fun way to organize information on your golf game. It can help you see where you are doing well and where your game