Mind4Math Decimals 1.1 Mind4Math is an easy to use teaching assistant for both the classroom educator and the home teacher. Mind4Math includes addition
Unofficial AlltheWeb Toolbar 1 IEBar.com's Unofficial AlltheWeb Internet Explorer Toolbar is like Google's toolbar but for the AlltheWeb search engine.
Apycom DHTML Menu 2.80 Apycom DHTML Menu is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior, cross-browser, fast-loading web menus
ACD VideoMagic 1.0.2 ACD VideoMagic lets you share memorable videos of life's great moments without investing a lot of time on digital video production or money
Studio Complete 1.0 Visual Studio .NET add-in that completes code as you write it. Instead of multiline coding constructs such as if..then..else, you just