Look RS232 4.3 Look RS232 is a tool for debugging computer connection with peripheral devices using COM port, such as modem, mini-ATS, projector etc. Its
ZipNow 2.0 Automatically zip and unzip files by simply clicking a button with ZipNow! Create zip "script" files which can be run over and over again.
InfoMagic Extra 2.1.14 An Organizer for People Who Hate to Organize. A simple, freeform way to keep and quickly recall the bits of facts/data/ information that
LogfileTail 1.1 With LogfileTail you can track changes to your log files. Like the famous Unix 'tail' tool LogfileTail outputs the last lines of the file
XP Smoker 5.0 If Windows XP drives your system, XP Smoker steps on the gas...and keeps you in
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