Toto Wizard 1.0 Toto Wizard is windows software program for Toto football (soccer) games like totocalcio, lotofoot, lotosportif, totto, totobola, quiniela
Order Maven 1.31 Order form generator for online merchants. Create stand-alone Windows executables that can be distributed royalty-free to customers
U-Wipe 2.7 U-Wipe is an easy-to-use privacy tool that allows you to clean all your IE, Windows, Office tracks, block pop up ads, hide sites that you
SurfOffline 1.4.1 SurfOffline is a fast and convenient offline browser with easy-to-use interface navigation. Capable of downloading up to 100 files
EAN Bar Codes 2.5 Print EAN bar codes from Windows! TrueType & PostScript European Article Numbering barcodes for EAN 8 and 13, and Bookland (ISBN numbers)