DbfTamer 1.1.11 DBF Tamer is a neat little wizard-style utility for working with dBase IV data files. With DBF Tamer, you can restore records, delete
Nick, the Robot : Sokoban V1.03 Poor Nick. He has been assigned the job to put boxes to the places they need to be. And there are so many ! And the worst is : Nick can
Time Flies 1.5 Time Flies, a great way to teach children how to read analog clocks in an ever increasing digital world. 4 different activities to choose
ZipWave 1.3 Easy to use visual archive utility with 15+ popular formats support (ZIP, CAB, ARJ, RAR, LHA, TAR, GZ, ACE, JAR, UUE). Advanced functions
MacNames 1.1m Convert Mac filenames to Windows, repair invalid characters, add file extensions automatically to allow PCs to read and work on documents