QuickChange Media 2.0 QuickChange Media v2.0 is the ultimate
file conversion program. Vastly improved for ease and speed. QuickChange now has
video batch
PocketPPC 3.0.0 Pocket PC pitching chart that tracks pitch location, pitch count, balls/strikes and pitch velocity by type of pitch and inning. Data can
DBF-Desktop 1.01 DBF Database Manager for managing DBF files such as Fox,Clipper and Hiper-Six
MyPrivacy 5.5.3 privacy tool that helps you maintain your privacy by cleaning up all traces of your Internet and PC usage - erases entered data like
PowrClik Lite 2.7-102 Standby / Hibernate / Restart / Power off / Lock computer / Log off session / Run screen saver / Turn off monitor / Hang up modem / Run