Toto Wizard 1.0 Toto Wizard is windows software program for Toto football (soccer) games like totocalcio, lotofoot, lotosportif, totto, totobola, quiniela
ipPulse 1.65 ipPulse is a Remote Status Monitoring Tool. Use ipPulse to monitor the up/down status of IP connected devices (nodes) on any IP connected
UnWrap 1.7 UnWrap removes unwanted line-returns from e-mail and other documents. UnWrap also removes unwanted leading characters such as spaces, tabs
BlazeFtp 2.1 BlazeFtp is a multiple-session and cache-enabled ftp client with offline search engine. It provides miscellaneous shortcuts to open ftp
High precision calculator 1.8.1 High precision calculator is an easy-to-use and very powerful skinnable calculator for all people, especially accountants, scientists and