EsbDecimals 1.1 Free Microsoft .NET v1.1 Assembly supplying Decimal Routines and demos for Visual Studio 2003 C#, Visual Studio 2003 VB.NET, Borland C#
QuickRecord 2 2.00 QuickRecord 2 is a compact application for recording and playing sound on a Microsoft Windows PC. At the heart of QuickRecord is the
AlarIT Net Serial Driver 2.0 NNSD gives you the possibility to give the remote access to serial port via TCP/IP.
Mega Keno 3.08 Mega Keno consists of 7 keno games. The game starts in the lobby area. The player is given $500 dollars cash to start.Mega Keno includes
Block Drop 2.14 Tetris with 49 unique blocks, Block Drop is very mentally challenging and will test your ability to visualize 2 dimensional space. This is