Bug Hunters 1.1 Bug Hunters is an addictive board game that is suit for all people age from 6 to 60s. The objective of the game is to collect as many bugs
pdfFormServer 3.4 Nowadays companies are streamlining their workflows by converting paper documents to digital
The problem is that most of them are cr
Data Entry Test 2004 5.0 Assess data entry skills, rating both speed in keystrokes per hour (KPH) and accuracy. Alpha, alphanumeric and numeric (10-key) testing
PatchFactory 3.3 Full-featured patching system for bandwidth-efficient and reliable software updating. Create compact and secure multilingual full-history
GrandTour 4.1 Accurate, flexible wireframe simulator for the Voyager and Giotto space missions, with animation capability. Developed at JPL for