JumpKeys 1.21 Hot keys for selecting (switching) windows, minimizing/maximizing, making windows Always On Top. Tag 9 windows, on full/partial title
Fractal Flurries 1.0 Snowflakes... no two are ever alike. The Fractal Flurries screen saver displays endless falling snow over whimsical winter backgrounds
Octo 1.2 The Octo-screensaver has 3D-rendered graphics made with POV-Ray
Cartoonish octo's move over your screen in their own typical fas
Gifts 'n Reminders 2.0 Turn your PC into a reminder service, with Gifts 'n Reminders! Features include: reminders for birthdays and special occasions
Proxy-Pro Professional GateKeeper 4.5 Proxy-Pro Professional GateKeeper is the complete Internet Sharing solution for business and corporate use, allowing your company's