HotMouse 3.4 HotMouse allows you to scroll windows with the mouse wheel without having to click on them first. You can even specify the number of lines
Smoke Attack 1.0 In this smoking-risk awareness game from the swiss federal office of public health, you are navigating the caracter "Oxy" through offices
4C Game 2.1 4C is a variation on the classic "Connect 4" game. Two players on a network compete against one another, and chat back and forth while they
iZotope Vinyl for Winamp 2 1.0 iZotope Vinyl for Winamp is a free DSP plug-in that uses advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create authentic 'vinyl'
Fixed Asset Pro 2006 4.0 Designed to cater for a wide range of business, Fapro2006 provides complete management control over company's assets with intuitive