MSN AgentCQ 1.2.2 MSN AgentCQ is a superb freeware title which adds a little life and individuality to MSN Messenger from Microsoft (R). With MSN AgentCQ you
JCOM Clock Synchronizer 1.7 JCOM Clock Synchronizer helps you keep your system time always accurate by synchronizing it with the highest precision atomic clock
EasyRename 1.11 This program solves the problem of renaming multiple files and directories at the same time. EasyRename can handle this fast, easy and
Moons 1.0 The full version of Moons can be acquired from Regnow
Moons can be best described as "circular Reversi". Adding circles t
Print Preview ActiveX 5.8 The aim of PrintPreview is to simplify the task of writing Visual Basic applications where the support from the standard package is