BackRex Easy Backup 2.5 Backup Windows, Outlook, MS Office, Internet Explorer custom settings, such as desktop layout, mouse cursors schemes, sound schemes
AdActa 1.0.2 AdActa is a system for archiving and managing digital versions of your
Use the scanner or your harddisk to input paper or digita
Dazzling Daytona Sun Screensaver 1.0 Watch this dazzling screensaver of the sparkling Daytona Beach Sun rising and setting. Be captivated by the views of the rippling waves
SpamContainer 2.11 There is simply one, and only one, effective way to deal with spam as of today and that is SpamContainer
Solitaire Studio 1.3 First and most complete collection of the greatest Solitaires - more than 70 of really entertaining and educative patience for any skill