Toto Wizard 1.0 Toto Wizard is windows software program for Toto football (soccer) games like totocalcio, lotofoot, lotosportif, totto, totobola, quiniela
AzPitch 1.20 Arizona Pitch - a card game from the old west. Bid to determine trumps and lead. Play for 5 points:High, Low, Joker, Jack and Game. A fun
ActivIcons 3.33 Customize Windows' desktop icon and cursor attributes. Swap your custom icons for My Computer, and other icons; save icon positions; make
SchemaToDoc 4.3.1 Document MS-SQL and Oracle Databases. SchemaToDoc transforms your database metadata into easy-to-read Word docs. The program documents
Newsgroup Email Harvester 2.1 Newsgroup Email Harvester (NEH) allows the fastest email address extraction available from selected newsgroups. Newsgroups are topic based