LogfileTail 1.1 With LogfileTail you can track changes to your log files. Like the famous Unix 'tail' tool LogfileTail outputs the last lines of the file
PingPlotter Standard Edition 2.60 PingPlotter Standard is a network monitoring and troubleshooting tool. It runs in the background collecting, and then allows you to quickly
Colossal Word Search 1.5 Play and create word searh puzzles. Find words across, up and down, and diagonally in this traditional word search game. Create word search
ChildWebGuardian 2.5 Filtering software designed to provide Internet child safety. This program keeps track and checks the content of every web-page the child
eZediaMX 3.1.5 eZediaMX™ is easy-to-use cross-platform multimedia authoring and editing software for creating digital portfolios, storyboards, business