A powerful Information Security Management tool that will protect the local administrator account across the network. Target multiple Administrator accounts based on the Security Identifier Descriptor (SID). Dynamically generated passwords.
Server Maintenance Portal 3.2 — IT Asset Management Software that collects hardware and software assets across the network. SMP also works with Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer to determine the security state of your Windows systems.
Description: A powerful Information Security Management tool that will protect the local administrator account across the network. Search Active Directory. Target multiple Administrator accounts based on the Security Identifier Descriptor (SID). Dynamically generate and apply C2-Compliant random passwords. Rename the local administrator account. Update services configured to logon with domain credentials. History kept on all system changes made with cPWD.
System Requirements: Active Directory
Change Info: Random Generator is now C2 security compliant. Added the ability to rename local Administrator account. Added the ability to change logon information for a service.
APassword 1.01 — Password allows you to generate either single or batches of random passwords.
You can select from a range of character options including: Letters, Numbers, Symbols, Case Selection and more.
Password Security Vault 2.0 — Keep track of all your internet passwords and login names in a password protected MS-Access database file. All MS-Access® capabilities built into the software.