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XMark 7.0 ( View screenshot )

XMark is a performance-testing program. It tests the speed of all the components inside your PC. You can also optimize your system for optimal performance and compare your results to other users through an online result database.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 76 ( -10 -13.15% )
Size4595 kb
StatusMinor Update
OSWindows 98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsdacris benchmark system diagnostic performance test speed tweak optimize computer compare report hardware analysis evaluate stress results remote distributed
AuthorDan Tohatan
XMark software. XMark is a performance-testing program. It tests the speed of all the components inside your PC. You can also optimize your system for optimal performance and compare your results to other users through an online result database. XMark is a comprehensive distributed system benchmarking and optimization suite. It supports client-server benchmarking, system information, and optimization, reducing the amount of time required to test or optimize an entire network of systems by using distributed benchmarking. XMark is also fully extensible through plugins, allowing it to run optimally in any configuration and meeting every user or company's needs. It also includes advanced reporting features and the ability to compare results with as many systems as there are in our online database. It also offers highly specialized tests so you know exactly the weak and strong points of your system configuration. After testing, you can also optimize your computer for best performance and co download

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XMark is a comprehensive distributed system benchmarking and optimization suite. It supports client-server benchmarking, system information, and optimization, reducing the amount of time required to test or optimize an entire network of systems by using distributed benchmarking. XMark is also fully extensible through plugins, allowing it to run optimally in any configuration and meeting every user or company's needs. It also includes advanced reporting features and the ability to compare results with as many systems as there are in our online database. It also offers highly specialized tests so you know exactly the weak and strong points of your system configuration. After testing, you can also optimize your computer for best performance and compare test results with a vast online result database.
System Requirements:
Change Info:
Easier to compare results, plugin-based architecture, detailed XML reporting, distributed remote benchmarking
XMark 7.0 Download from app.dacris.com

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