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Shift Scheduler Continuous Excel 12 ( View screenshot )

Build a roster to your specifications, allocate staff automatically, and generate a printable roster, all at the click of a button. Compact and user friendly with default values for ease of use. Full operational instructions.

Updated 9, 2005 05: 1:8:
Rating 0
Size250 kb
StatusNew Release
OSWindows 98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsshift schedule roster staff build automate security continuous allocation work 24hr 24/7 excel bizpep program shareware download free programme software design business support
AuthorDavid Morcom
Shift Scheduler Continuous Excel software. Build a roster to your specifications, allocate staff automatically, and generate a printable roster, all at the click of a button. Compact and user friendly with default values for ease of use. Full operational instructions. The Shift Scheduler will build a roster structure to your specifications, allocate staff automatically, and generate a printable roster, all at the click of a button. It is compact and user friendly allowing you to add staff and shifts (maximum 150) with ease. Default values for continuous shifts mean that the only shift data required is the start date/time and length for the first shift, everything else is automated. For non-continuous or varying shifts you have the capacity to overwrite default data and structure shift settings to suit your specific requirements. Constraints you can apply when allocating staff include the maximum hours a staff member can work within the roster period, the maximum continuous work hours,  download

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The Shift Scheduler will build a roster structure to your specifications, allocate staff automatically, and generate a printable roster, all at the click of a button. It is compact and user friendly allowing you to add staff and shifts (maximum 150) with ease. Default values for continuous shifts mean that the only shift data required is the start date/time and length for the first shift, everything else is automated. For non-continuous or varying shifts you have the capacity to overwrite default data and structure shift settings to suit your specific requirements. Constraints you can apply when allocating staff include the maximum hours a staff member can work within the roster period, the maximum continuous work hours, the minimum break between shifts, and the maximum number of days in a row that can be worked. You can also set a Yes or No work status to define a must work or must not work requirement. Your roster is printed using standard Excel commands or using the Format Print function to build a compact and easy to read roster schedule table. The Next Roster function allows you to roll roster details into the next roster period to quickly build consecutive rosters.
System Requirements:
Microsoft Excel
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