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PhotoThumb 3.0 ( View screenshot )

Create high-quality photo thumbnails and web pages. Including many useful features, PhotoThumb is a powerful tool both for novice users and professional photographers.

Updated 3, 2005 22: 0:8:
Rating 0
Size1606 kb
StatusMajor Update
OSWindows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP
Keywordsphoto thumbnails images digital camera photography web pages html css iptc jpeg exif
AuthorJarle Aasland
PhotoThumb software. Create high-quality photo thumbnails and web pages. Including many useful features, PhotoThumb is a powerful tool both for novice users and professional photographers. Create high-quality photo thumbnails and web pages. PhotoThumb is a powerful and easy-to-use thumbnail creator and image viewer for Windows.

Including many useful features, like a fast, high-quality image viewer, EXIF support, FTP uploading, CSS support, overlay text, sharpening, slideshow, batch renaming, file encryption, a familiar Explorer-like interface and lossless rotation of JPEG images, PhotoThumb is a handy tool for image collectors and digital camera owners. 

Digital photography is becoming increasingly popular. It has never been easier, cheaper or more fun to make great photographs. Still, many of us have spent hours and days trying to find a simple solution to a basic question: How to share your images. Sending pictures on e-mail is nice, but hardly very practical if you want to share h download

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Create high-quality photo thumbnails and web pages. PhotoThumb is a powerful and easy-to-use thumbnail creator and image viewer for Windows.

Including many useful features, like a fast, high-quality image viewer, EXIF support, FTP uploading, CSS support, overlay text, sharpening, slideshow, batch renaming, file encryption, a familiar Explorer-like interface and lossless rotation of JPEG images, PhotoThumb is a handy tool for image collectors and digital camera owners.

Digital photography is becoming increasingly popular. It has never been easier, cheaper or more fun to make great photographs. Still, many of us have spent hours and days trying to find a simple solution to a basic question: How to share your images. Sending pictures on e-mail is nice, but hardly very practical if you want to share hundreds of image files.

The obvious solution is to publish your photos on the web, or distribute them on a CD-ROM or other removable disk media. These days, doing so is no big deal. Typically, the problem has been all the work involved: Open, resize and save hundred image files is a little too much for most people. Not to mention that you'll need to create a handful HTML documents. Using PhotoThumb, you can do all this, and much more, with a few mouse clicks.
PhotoThumb 3.0 Download from

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  • Album Express 3.5 — Album Express builds great-looking picture albums for home, friends, and the Web, quickly and easily. Its wizard-like interface and built-in templates let you create slick, professional displays in record time, whether you're a novice or power user.
  • IMatch 3.4 — The complete digital image management solution for Windows. Whether you are a professional photographer or a digital camera user, IMatch allows you to manage your digital image collection easily and effortlessly.
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